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Trust & Its elements: In Building a Brand (ICC Blog # 71)

Writer: Dr Sp MishraDr Sp Mishra
Created using Canva
Creative by Dr Sp Mishra

Listen to the BlogDr Sp Mishra

Millions and billions of dollars are invested by organizations in developing, sustaining, and expanding their brand. What steps can individuals take to build, foster, and enhance their brand to higher standards? A crucial element in accomplishing this is building "Trust," which serves as the foundation for all brands to thrive.

Do you ever notice that when we encounter a stranger for the first time, we often have a gut feeling about whether we can trust them or not? This instinctive reaction is influenced by a variety of subtle factors, drawing on our past experiences. Our past experiences, stored in our subconscious mind, shape this instinctual response by providing a rough template from previous encounters to help us judge a person's trustworthiness. As we interact with strangers over time or during a specific transaction, our trust in them is either confirmed or altered based on our experiences. Does this all make sense?

How do we define trust?

From my perspective, "Trust is keeping a promise." In simpler terms, trust involves following through on your words, and doing what you say. Trust is a continuous journey that requires ongoing efforts to nurture this important aspect of personal relationships.

Trust is a fundamental emotion necessary for survival and success in the world. It involves various subtle behaviours that we demonstrate or absorb during our interactions with others. Brené Brown and her team have condensed this concept into seven elements known as BRAVING. Let's explore the significance of each letter in either fostering or undermining trust between individuals engaging in transactions.

Boundaries are essential in any transactional relationship, requiring mutual respect and obedience from both parties. It is important not to overstep or violate these boundaries. When unsure of what is acceptable, it is advisable to seek clarification. It is also crucial to have the courage to say no if you feel that the other person is crossing your boundaries.

Reliability is crucial not only in managing individual transactions between two people but also in sustaining long-term relationships. In such relationships, it is essential that both parties can trust each other to fulfil their commitments and keep their promises consistently.

Accountability: Life extends far beyond a single interaction, so when a commitment is broken, it is important to have the courage to apologize. Take responsibility for your errors, seek forgiveness genuinely, avoid repeating the same mistake, and make sincere efforts to rectify it. Following reliability is the second most crucial factor in establishing trust in any relationship.

Vault: Refrain from disclosing personal information about someone else, whether they are present or not. Revealing such details can make your partner feel exposed and erode trust in the future.

Integrity: Opt for courage instead of comfort. It may be tempting and easy to harm someone due to your power, position, or circumstances, but refraining from such actions, standing firm, and consistently doing what is right greatly contribute to building trust. It is akin to embodying your values rather than just acknowledging them.

Nonjudgment: I am able to request what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can discuss it without passing judgment on each other. It's similar to seeking assistance without being judged. However, putting this into practice is challenging. To master this, one must consistently communicate their intentions clearly so that the other person can develop the trust to share and seek assistance. This element is also the most fragile of them all.

Generosity is key to building trust. By being willing to give without expecting anything in return, one can establish trust in relationships, families, and society. This generosity should be genuine and reflected in our intentions, words, and actions towards others.

Every one of these components is essential in its own way, playing a vital role in influencing how we see and engage with the world. While a few of these elements might be more complex, demanding a deeper comprehension, others are simpler to grasp. However, within this range of crucial factors, it is Self Trust that emerges as the key foundation. Often underestimated in discussions about trust dynamics, Self Trust acts as the primary building block on which all other types of trust are built.

Exploring self-trust reveals a deep truth about being human. It is in the realm of self-trust that we face our vulnerabilities, fears, and insecurities. Although failure and mistakes are unavoidable as we navigate through life, they greatly influence our self-trust. Whenever we stumble or do not meet our expectations, our self-trust becomes delicate and vulnerable to self-doubt and uncertainty.

Furthermore, self-confidence is not a fixed concept; it is a constantly changing power that rises and falls with the ups and downs of our experiences. When we cause harm to others, when we hurt ourselves, when we struggle with feelings of shame or inadequacy, our self-confidence is put to the test. In these challenging times, our self-belief weakens, our assurance diminishes, and our self-worth is questioned.

A framework for building and maintaining our self-trust

Building Self-Trust

1. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your values, actions, and decisions. Acknowledge your strengths and areas for improvement.

2. Consistency: Keep promises to yourself. Set small, achievable goals and follow through.

3. Accountability: Own up to your mistakes without harsh self-criticism. Learn from them and strive to do better.

4. Boundaries: Establish and respect personal boundaries. Know your limits and honor them.

5. Integrity: Align your actions with your values, even when no one is watching.

6. Generosity: Be kind to yourself. Practice self-compassion and give yourself the grace you extend to others.

It is crucial to acknowledge the significant importance of self-trust in our lives. Developing and fostering self-trust is not just a personal pursuit; it is a journey of transformation leading to self-empowerment and resilience. By building a solid foundation of self-trust, we arm ourselves with the strength to endure life's challenges, the bravery to face our deepest fears, and the insight to accept our flaws with kindness and elegance.



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